I am so pleased to announce the launch of the Be More Keanu website. This has been a project of passion for me – not because I am a fan-girl, but because I am truly inspired by the amazing human that Keanu Reeves is.

For those if you who aren’t au fait with the what makes Keanu such a great role model – here are a few snippets that should give you an idea.
- He’s been through some very tough times, but came out the other side able to still be a decent human.
- He’s been through some very tough times, but came out the other side able to still be a decent human.
- He “gives back” to make things even better – such as money from his pay checks to finance special effects, costumes and other actors.
- He’s doesn’t let his fear stop him from engaging with real people in the real world.
- He’s also said to fund a whole heap of good casues without making a song and a dance about it.
Of course there are plenty of celebrities that do amazing things without shouting about it, but Keanu hit the spot for me because he comes across as so accessible, so humble, as someone who really would be nice, kind, and there for you if you need; and he came from a place where he had to make a choice, he had to choose to be at one with the world, and not stay in a place of sadness.
So what am I trying to do with Be More Keanu?
I’m trying to inspire others to be “be more” of what they want to be, wish they could be, hope they could be. And once I’ve inspired one person I want that person to inspire another person. Right now I’m doing it the only way i know how – making things that people can wear, gift, and use, and spreading the word online. One day I hope I have the resources to scream and shout about it, and make the whole Be More Keanu movement work for itself to help make individuals become a better version of themselves, and help others do the same.
Be kind, be humble, be thankful, be generous, be understanding, be your best you… be more Keanu!
See more at BeMoreKeanu.com and @bemorekeanu